Our customers operate HP jet cutters in the stone industry in Indonesia, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Japan, and  HP jet cutters that are used for cutting many different materials in Austria and Germany.


Cutter with two nozzles

The carriage of the x-axis is equipped with two z-axes, one is in cutting position, which can be controlled independently. The distance of the two nozzle valves can be set manually. A pneumatic conveyer is assembled on top of the carriage of the x-axis and feeds two vibration conveyers, one for each nozzle valve.

Automotive Parts

Cutting of carpets for passenger cars by two independently working robots. The robots are working overhead in a cabinet for safety reasons and to protect the surrounding against noise and moisture. The carpets are fed into the cabinet by a rotary table. Quick changing of the supports for the carpets makes the unit very flexible.


Rotary table

Rotary table charging a cutting box with two robots.


Cutting robot

Five axis robot cutting automotive parts in a cutting box.

Combi Cutter

Flame cutter with a plasma unit and a water jet nozzle mounted to a second carrier. The abrasiv hopper and a vibration conveyer for abrasive metering are placed upon the carriage to use the short distances to the mixing head of the nozzle. In addition to the CNC controller an opto-electronical reading system is installed which can read drawings and convert them directly to the cutting head. Cutting area: x – axis 6000 mm, y – axis 3000 mm, z – axis 150 mm manually and 90 mm remote operated. The photo shows a precision cutting operation of a 30 mm thick plate of the CrNi steel in maraged condition. The steel plate is used in food machinery.


HP Pump Typ 636-60

HP pump with 2 x 30 KW power input, two inlets for the motor fans on the left side. The control board with the control panel is located on the left top of the hydraulic unit. The high pressure parts are located on the right side, in between the oil tank.


24 Hour operation unit

Cutting nozzle row

Repair of a ring with our mobile compact cutter

Longitudinal Cutter

Continous trip cutter with three nozzles. The distance in between the nozzles is variable.


Cutting table

Two CNC controlled axes with vertical axis to be moved by electrical motor. Cutting area: x – axis 2000 mm, y – axis 1200 mm, z – axis 150 mm. Controller: SINUMERIK 820

Description: Cutting nozzle mounted to the carriage of the bridge. It can be moved in the y – direction over 1200 mm. The bridge does not move. The work piece is fixed in a frame and moves by means of two rubber belts which are arranged at both sides of the bridge. The catcher for collecting the cutting water is located between the rubber belts.

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